Key Points
Key points

- 2025/26 Small Multiplier frozen at 0.499p
- 2025/26 Standard Multiplier increased by CPI 1.7% to 0.555p
- Retail Relief for eligible Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Properties to be reduced from 75% to 40% with effect from 1st April 2024 (capped at £110,000 per group of companies for the 2025/26 Rate Year).
- 80% Charitable Relief to be removed from qualifying Independent Fee-Paying Schools (this is in line with the removal of the relevant VAT exemption).
- Confirmation that Duty to Notify will be rolled out on a phased basis in April 2026, being full mandated by April 2029
- With effect from April 2026, the Government have promised to permanently reduce the multiplier on Retail, Hospitality and Leisure businesses, funded by a higher multiplier on the high value assets with a Rateable Value of £500,000 and above.
- The publication of a Discussion Paper, setting out other potential areas of business rates reform, including a shorter revaluation cycle and/or a shorter gap between the valuation date and each new rating list. The Discussion Paper also raises the prospect of a further crackdown on business rates avoidance and evasion, following the previous Budget’s tightening of Empty Rate Mitigation.
- 2025/26 Basic Property Multiplier frozen at 0.498p.
- 2025/26 Intermediate Rate increased to 0.554p and Higher Rate increased to 0.568p
- Continuation of Small Business Bonus Scheme and Business Growth Accelerator.
- 40% relief to be provided in 2025/26 for properties in the hospitality sector with an RV of <51,000.
- 100% Relief for Hospitality Sector in defined highland communities.

- 2025/26 Multiplier increase capped at 1% - 0.568p
- Relief for eligible retail hospitality, and leisure businesses extended for a further 12 months at 40%, capped at £110,000 per ratepayer across Wales.
- 100% Relief for registered Childcare Premises made permanent with effect from 1st April 2025.